welcome j kokusai gakuin

Selelah proses visa (visa pelajar) anda selesai diproses dan COE (Certificate of Eligibility) anda selesai,maka tahap selanjutnya adalah anda harus mengurus pengajuan visa di kedutaan besar/konsulat Jepang yang ada di Indonesia.


Features of J Kokusai Gakuin

Setting classes depending on your target(More than N2 level)

  • Post Graduate Preparation Class (Aim at entering Graduate School)
  • Special University Preparation Class (Aim at entering departments in public university or famous private university)
  • Business Class (Aim at starting career in Japan)
  • General Expert Class (Aim at studying abroad in Japan and cultural exchange)

Classes are easy to understand

  • Teachers can give accurate advice depending on students’ Japanese level.
  • Since there are more than one class at the same level, we can judge students’ proficiency from an objective view point compared with other students.
  • Flexible curriculum so that teachers can give lessons depending on students’ condition.※ In order to correspond student’s request, the elective courses have been introduced since Oct.2014.


Inter-School Proficiency test is given every half a year. (Certified by International Lifelong Learning Research Foundation)

  • Since the questions are same on each level ranging from beginner class to upper class, students can find out their weakness compared to others.
  • Original tests are made by expert instructors.
  • Since the questions are answered on mark sheet which is same as the actual examination, you can get used to the atomosphere of examination.
  • You can understand your ability easily using analysis chart.
  • Since the implementation period (Sept, Mar.) is two months before important official approvals (EJU&Proficiency Test), this test can help you to find out ways to overcome your weakness.


We support your independence of study and life using career designed classes

  • Acquire what is needed to reach your goal.
  • Set plans of your development in the future while doing self-analysis.
  • We support to achieve your goals and become talented enough to fulfill the requirement of Japanese firms.
  • Through designated teacher system, we respond each student by attentive personal interview.

Students’ pass rate in Proficiency Test exceeds the official approval pass rate in Japan

  • The results of Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT) in our school have exceeded certification rate in Japan for two consecutive years.

Video Pengenalan Sekolah

School Facilities


This is a bright and spacious entrance. Please use elevator on the left to go to reception on 2nd floor.


You can consult with our staffs at any time. There is a PC space and you can surf on the Internet.

Main Hall

This hall is used for events such as the entrance and graduation ceremonies.

Free Room

There are vending machines and you can buy drinks and bread. You may use Wi-fi. Students can take a break here

Bicycle Parking Area

Available to park lots of bicycles on 1st floor.


Materials about universities and vocational schools are available. There are many Japanese books as well.

School Access

2 mins walk from

Subway Yotsubashi line

Honmachi station Exit 21.

Click here for map.

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